Modular Paramedic Program
In this format the ALSI paramedic curriculum is broken up into
twelve subject areas or "modules" that are each five days long.
The modures are offered monthly on a Monday to Friday schedule
over one year with classes running from 8 AM to 6 PM daily.
Every effort is made to schedule modules for the same week of
each month for ease in planning. Students will have the choice
of doing their clinical time concurrent with classroom time within
a year or they may elect an additional year to complete the
clinical and field objectives. Often students choose a combination
completing the entire program in approximately 18 months. Clinical
sites are located across New England, so students entering the
program should be prepared to travel. Clinical and Field
internship sites include a variety of busy urban and suburban
locales to offer a broad-based education. Students will also
experience all models of EMS services: hospital-based, public
utility, and third-service. Upon successful completion of our
program, students will be eligible to sit for the National
Registry Paramedic Board Exam.
Prerequisites include current EMT-Intermediate certification.
Contact ALSI for more information
and application materials.