Paramedics possess the knowledge, skills, and attitudes consistent with the expectations of the public and the profession. Paramedics recognize that they are an essential component of the continuum of care and serve as linkages among health resources.
Paramedics strive to maintain high quality, reasonable cost health care by delivering patients directly to appropriate facilities; this includes the transport of patients to a non-emergency medical care facility as well as between facilities. As an advocate for patients, paramedics seek to be proactive in affecting long term health care by working in conjunction with other provider agencies, networks, and organizations. The emerging roles and responsibilities of the Paramedic include public education, health promotion, and participation in injury and illness prevention programs. As the scope of service continues to expand, the Paramedic will function as a facilitator of access to care, as well as an initial treatment provider.
Paramedics are responsible and accountable to medical direction, the public, and their peers. Paramedics recognize the importance of research and actively participate in the design, development, evaluation, and publication of research. Paramedics seek to take part in life-long professional development, peer evaluation, and assume an active role in professional and community organizations.
-from the proposed 1996 DOT EMT-Paramedic National Standard Curriculum